Exotic insect pests can produce both short-and long-term effects on forest ecosystems. Short term effects include the disturbances directly associated with the action of the pest, which may cause the defoliation, loss of vigor, or death of trees. Long-term effects are primarily mediated by changes in tree species composition and the consequent alterations of forest structure, productivity, and nutrient uptake. Exotic pests are more efficient than most abiotic disturbances (e.g., fire or wind) at producing long-term changes in species composition. Pests often target specific tree species and, if they become established, they usually remain as permanent components of the ecosystem. Shifts in forest species composition ramify through the ecosystem in many ways because tree species have different, often unique properties.
The author of the passage mentions the “unique properties” of tree species primarily in order to help explain
A. why pests tend to target specific tree species
B. why pests can have long-term effects on entire ecosystems
C. how pests contribute to shifts in forest species composition
D. how pests are able to become established in an ecosystem
E. how some tree species are able to withstand the effects of pests
When studying shrimp feeding fro m hydro -thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean, biologists were surprised that the shrimps’ reproductive cycles followed seasonal patterns. Far beyond the reach of sunlight, and with food abundant around the vents all year round, why should such animals reproduce seasonally? The answer might involve their offspring, which in their larval form drift in the currents to colonize new vents. The larvae must feed during their trip, and their springtime release coincides with a peak in algae raining down from surface waters. So far, researchers have found no evidence of seasonal breeding among vent-dwelling species that provide their offspring with yolk to sustain them or among vent-dwelling species found in areas of the ocean with not seasonal algae blooms.
Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence ?
A . It casts doubt on the accuracy of ear lie r observations of seasonal breeding among shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents.
B . It undermines the explanation proposed for seasonal breeding among so me shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents.
C . It suggests that alternative theories are needed to explain seasonal
breeding among shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents.
D . It describes the survival benefits to shrimp of mating in parts of the ocean where algae blooms rain down abundantly.
E . It supports the explanation proffered for the seasonal breeding observed among some shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents.
Recent archaeological excavations of the massive warehouses of Huánuco Pampa—an important city in the Incan empire of the twelfth to sixteenth centuries—initially led archaeologists to believe that the city was a center for the distribution of food and goods to settlements in the surrounding region. However, excavations in those settlements have yielded few traces of the pottery containers used to store goods in Huánuco Pampa’s warehouses. This absence of pottery traces is inconclusive since goods may have been distributed in containers other than those belonging to the warehouses.
One sixteenth-century Spanish document may inadvertently reveal the answer: while detailing countless instances of goods being brought to the warehouses from the surrounding region, the document says nothing about goods being distributed throughout the surrounding region from the warehouses. Thus initial suggestions about the city s role as a distribution center may be incorrect: Huánuco Pampa’s reason for maintaining these huge warehouses may have been simply to ensure its own well-being during periods of hardship.
Which of the following, if true, would cast the most doubt on the author’s reasoning about the probable purpose of the Huánuco Pampa warehouses?
A. Further examination reveals that the sixteenth-century Spanish document cited by the author was intended solely to record the amount of food and goods farmers and artisans in the surrounding region contributed to Huánuco Pampa’s warehouses each year.
B. Several large warehouses similar to those of Huánuco Pampa are unearthed in subsequent archaeological excavations in the region surrounding Huánuco Pampa.
C. A contemporaneous document is discovered establishing that Huánuco Pampa’s political inflfluence in the surrounding region was far greater than archaeologists and historians had previously supposed.
D. Traces of pottery storage containers similar in style to those of the Huánuco Pampa warehouses are discovered in a section of the Incan empire remote from Huánuco Pampa.
E. Archaeologists discover that Huánuco Pampa was able to maintain constant stores of goods in its warehouses despite flfluctuations in agricultural conditions in the surrounding region.
Chimpanzees can detect when others can and cannot see them. With one another, for example, they use visually based gestures mostly when the potential recipient is attending to them already. Indeed, if the potential recipient is not attending to them, they will sometimes walk around in front of her before gesturing. In support of these findings, Liebal et al. found in an experimental study that when a human who was facing a chimpanzee and giving him food then turned his back to the chimpanzee, the chimpanzee subject walked around him to face him again before gesturing.
Povinelli and Eddy found that chimpanzees do not preferentially beg food from a human with uncovered eyes over begging it from one wearing a blindfold. This suggests that they do not know when others can and cannot see them. But Kaminski et al. modified this paradigm slightly to reflect more natural communicative situations, and they found different results. Their modification was that the chimpanzees did not have to choose between two human communicators—a very unnatural situation—but were always faced with only one communicator who was oriented in different ways in different experimental conditions. For example, in one condition the human faced the subject. In another, his back and head were both facing away. In yet another, his body was turned away as he looked back over his shoulder at the subject. The main fifinding was that chimpanzees gestured differently to the human depending on whether the human’s face was oriented toward them, but only if the human was facing them bodily as well. Kaminski et al. argued, therefore, that body orientation and face orientation indicate two different things to an ape when it begs food from a human. Whereas body orientation indicates the human’s disposition to give the subject food (i.e., when he is oriented so as to transfer food effectively), face orientation indicates whether the human is able to see the subject’s begging gesture. This two-factor account helps to explain Povinelli and Eddy’s negative findings.
Interestingly and significantly, Kaminski et al, found that as long as the human was facing them, chimpanzees did not differentiate between the human's eyes being open and closed. This accords with the findings of Tomasello et al. that in gaze-following situations chimpanzees follow mainly the direction of the head as a whole, and to a much lesser extent the direction of the eyes.
1. The author of the passage would probably agree with which of the following about Povinelli and Eddy’s study?
A. The chimpanzees in the study thought that the blindfolded human was able to see them.
B. The study was flawed because it put chimpanzees in the unnatural position of begging for food.
C. The chimpanzees in the study were confused by the body orientation of the human subjects.
D. It would be difficult for Povinelli and Eddy to repeat the results of their study even with the same experimental conditions.
E. It is likely that the chimpanzees in the study thought that both humans were unable to see them.
Virtually everyone who speaks Torvic lives in Torvia, a small country that takes pride in its unique culture. Since Torvia trades with many other countries, however, most people who live in Torvia speak several languages, and many languages are taught in Torvia’s public schools. Nevertheless, from these facts it should not be inferred that most speakers of Torvic speak several languages, because ________.
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
A. very few languages are as difficult to learn as a second language as Torvic is
B. of all the people in the world who speak several languages, only a small minority speak Torvic
C. few people who live in Torvia actually speak Torvic
D. few people who live in Torvia have ever lived outside Torvia
E. some of the languages taught in Torvia’s public schools are not spoken in any of the countries with which Torvia trades
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